Maintenance and cleaning of sectional doors: Important tips

Even though they are used daily, garage doors can often be a neglected area when it comes to maintenance and cleaning. However, regular maintenance and cleaning can help your overhead doors last a long time and keep them functioning smoothly.

Important Tips for Maintenance and Cleaning of Your Sectional Doors:

  1. Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect the guide rails, hinges, and other moving parts of the door. If there are signs of wear, tear, or looseness, take immediate action.
  2. Lubrication: It is important to lubricate the moving parts of sectional doors. This ensures smooth opening and closing of the door. However, be careful not to over-lubricate as it may lead to grease buildup and affect the smooth operation of the door.
  3. Cleaning: Regularly clean the exterior and interior surfaces of the door. This is not only important for the long life of the door but also aesthetically crucial. With some soapy water and a soft brush, you can easily remove dirt and stains.
  4. Air Filter Check: Sectional doors provide ventilation for your garage. Over time, the air filters can get clogged with dust and dirt. Therefore, regularly check the air filters and clean or replace them as needed.
  5. Insulation Check: If your sectional door is an insulated model, check for any signs of damage or wear on the insulation. If issues arise, take immediate action to protect its insulating properties.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your sectional doors will contribute to their efficiency and durability in the long run. By following these tips, you can prevent potential issues with your garage door early on and have a long-lasting door. Remember, regular maintenance is crucial for the safety and functionality of your garage door.